Satish Sekar

March 5, 2021

African Football – A Changing World (Part 9) – Rotten Apples and Sour Grapes

There is no doubt that the Confederation of North, Central America, and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) was riddled with corruption for many years – and shamefully CONCACAF and the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) acquiesced with it. Former CONCACAF President, the notorious Jack Warner started out in football in the 1960s.
March 5, 2021

African Football – A Changing World (Part 8) – Cleansing FIFA’s Augean Stables

The FIFAGate Scandal of 2015 unmasked the industry and hypocrisy at the highest levels of the game. It resulted in bans and even jail for some. It was clear that FIFA (the Federation of International Football Associations) had become a bloated and corrupt institution. Joseph Sepp Blatter became the only FIFA President to be impeached and then banned from football. But for his age – he was in 90s – Blatter’s predecessor, João Havelange would have suffered a similar fate.
March 5, 2021

African Football – A Changing World (Part 7) FIFA’s Augean Stables

FIFA (the Federation of International Football Associations) became a byword for corruption until the FIFAGate Scandal brought the Ancien Régime of football crashing down. Bizarrely, for a billion-dollar industry FIFA that organisation was established as a not for profit but came to symbolise graft
March 5, 2021

A Bane of Football – Political Interference (Part Three) – Blatant

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) shamefully acquiesced with victor’s justice in 1920 by banning the defeated nations in the First World War from Antwerp’s Olympiad. England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland left FIFA in a pique when FIFA rejected their demand to ban Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey from the Olympic Games Football Tournament.