African Football

February 25, 2021

The Good, The Bad and the Extremely Ugly

By Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (August 1st 2020) International Solidarity Foreign coaches who cannot find work in their own countries seem to have no trouble […]
March 5, 2021

A Bane of African Football (Part One) – The Stick

A worrying trend has emerged in African football and despite the name, it is far from normal. Presidents of African Football Associations are not being allowed to complete their terms in office. Instead, they are being removed from office and replaced with appointed Normalisation Committees.
March 5, 2021

A Bane of Football (Part Two) – Acquiescing with Political Interference

The Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) insists that governments are not permitted to interfere in football affairs, especially with FAs. But history tells a very different story. Many, many years ago FIFA failed its first test miserably.
March 5, 2021

A Bane of Football – Political Interference (Part Three) – Blatant

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) shamefully acquiesced with victor’s justice in 1920 by banning the defeated nations in the First World War from Antwerp’s Olympiad. England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland left FIFA in a pique when FIFA rejected their demand to ban Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey from the Olympic Games Football Tournament.