Satish Sekar

February 25, 2021

Strong Foundations

By Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (February 24th 2021) The Architect He taught the players and converted some like Odegbami to a position where he would […]
February 25, 2021

Misplaced Icons – Nigeria’s Lost Stars (Part One) Thunder

By Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (May 26th 2020) The Early Icons No Nigerian football fan doesn’t respect the achievements of Olusegun Odegbami. Known as ‘Mathematical,’ […]
February 22, 2021


Len Taunyane and Jan Mashiane have an important place in Olympic history – South Africa’s too – but to understand their situation and plight, it is necessary to appreciate the fate of the land they hailed from. They were only South African because of a shameless land grab – one facilitated by the so-called protectors of Bechuanaland.
February 14, 2021

Olympic Spirit – Racist Failures

By Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (August 18th 2020)  The Early African Impact  South Africa was accepted into football’s international community shortly after London’s first Olympiad. It was […]